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2020 Programs & Activities

Trip Report:  Medical Call Center

Nigeria - Medical Call Center

Healing the Children Florida/Georgia Chapter (HTCFLGA) recently partnered with Ohana One on a project in rural Nigeria.  The Nigerian primary care doctors have been lured away to Dubai and Abu Dhabi with higher pay, leaving residents in remote rural areas with NO access to basic care. HTCFLGA partnered with Ohana One and the Nigerian Government through the direction of Dr. Amadi to develop a Medical Call Center in Nigeria. In an effort to bring healthcare to the area a call-center is being established where patients can call and get medical advice from supervised medical residents and obtain virtual appointments with licensed medical professionals.


Ohana One quickly responded with a grant toward ten smart glasses and software to easily connect the community members with larger, urban medical clinics. In the hands of Nigeria’s community liaisons, this technology is already greatly impacting patients in rural areas of the country! 


Healing the Children

National Office

Carol Borneman, Administrator
P.O. Box 9065
Spokane, WA 99209-9065

Cell:  509.564.4642

Office: 509.327.4281

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