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2023 HTC's Back in Business!

Writer's picture: Healing the ChildrenHealing the Children

HTC has been busy the past few years. However, traveling to and from countries has been extremely limited. Now that travel limitations have been lifted, we are back in business with many activities planned this year. Enjoy reading about these very special stories.

Be Still My Heart!


Just in - on March 14th, Nouroudine from Burkino Faso arrived in Kentucky for long-awaited heart surgery. A big shout out to HTCKY, led by the dynamic Debi McDonald, for this continued involvement and commitment to bring kids into the US. What a great way to jump start our International Inbound Program in 2023.

Making Smiles Better


In January 2023, the HTC Rocky Mountains Chapter returned to Peru. This dedicated group of volunteers led by co-chapter directors Dr. Ryan and Ann Brown, and their team operated on 64 patients (cleft lip, cleft palate and lip surgeries), tested and gave away 273 pairs of glasses, fit and dispensed 65 hearing aids for severe hearing loss, and provided 83 speech and feeding therapy sessions. So in 5 days our team helped 480 individual patients! Well done #htcrm! Thank you @hospitaldosdemayo our partner in Peru.

Heading to Nepal April 2023


HTC Southern California is busy raising money and collecting medical equipment and supplies for their long-awaited return to Nepal. Every year, 782 children in Nepal are born with clubfeet. This condition limits a child's ability to stand, walk, run, and go to school. This April 2 - 9, 2023, our HTC Southern California Medical Team led by Dr. Ali Khosoabadt, will lead an foot and ankle surgical team to Nepal again to bring the gift of healing. Their goal is to assess 70 patients, perform 55 surgical procedures on 20 patients. Changing lives forever!

To support the Nepali Medical Team, please check out Global Giving:

Connecting Across the World via Smart Glasses


Healing the Children Florida/Georgia Chapter, led by chapter director Arlene Rhodenbeck, recently partnered with Ohana One on a project in rural Nigeria. The Nigerian primary care doctors have been lured away to Dubai and Abu Dhabi with higher pay, leaving residents in remote rural areas with NO access to basic care. HTCFLGA partnered with Ohana One and the Nigerian Government through the direction of Dr. Amadi to develop a Medical Call Center in Nigeria. In an effort to bring healthcare to the area a call-center is being established where patients can call and get medical advice from supervised medical residents and obtain virtual appointments with licensed medical professionals. Ohana One quickly responded with a grant toward ten smart glasses and software to easily connect the community members with larger, urban medical clinics. In the hands of Nigeria’s community liaisons, this technology is already greatly impacting patients in rural areas of the country!

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work


Healing the Children is delighted to partner with Ohana One in one of our new innovative approaches to providing quality medical care for underserved children around the world. Check our our updated website at to learn more.

With Grateful Appreciation


Healing the Children is so grateful for the many volunteers, chapter directors, board members, donors, partners, and supporters who have stayed with us these past three years of uncertainty, social isolation, transitions, and change. We appreciate you!

As we delve into 2023, we are updating our mission, looking at current and new programs, expanding our outreach with technology and education, and planning for the future.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment!


Ann Anderst, President

Healing the Children

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